How to Improvise

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How do you get started in learning how to improvise. For most people improvisation is frightening. How to get started?

Copy licks

It is a good idea to start studying other peoples improvisation. But don't try to learn a whole solo! You will never be a good improviser if you copy a solo. Copy the licks instead. All solos (especially on blues harp) are divided into small melody parts, also called licks. Learn some of the licks, and get started. Study Sony boy on the videos! Learn the small licks.

Try to learn a simple lick.

Here you can study more of Sonny boy Williamssons blues

Make your own licks

When you get a litle confident, you should start making your own lick. Don't be afraid of using the same lick for 12 bars. Sometimes when you do so, you should move the lick a litle bit in order to follow the chords. Repition is good.

Keep the beat

Always always keep the beat. When you are playing with others you must know where they are. It is of course possible that you temporarily loose them. If you do... try to find out where your orchestra are before the audience discover that you are lost.

But the best is to know where you are in the scheme. You can improvise 12 bars, 24 bars 36 bars, but always end on the.

Respect the solo !

Solo means alone (in Italian) The best improvisations you do alone. That is the rythm group contiue to play, but you are alone. Respect your solo time like other respect you. In other words Do not play into other peopls solos!

Yes it is allowed to make riffs on the bottom of other solos. But be carefull, not all people will appreciate your riff. The riff has to be very simple to be consiedered a riff. Often when you try to make a riff, it will be considered as "stealing the solo". Stealing solos is considered very bad practice among muscians.


Listen to the chords

When you are improvicing you should always do it in relation to some background chords. Even when you are playing for yourself all alone, you should imagin a guitar or piano in the background playing the 12-bar blues. In this way your audience can follow what you are doing. Try to practice witht he player and try to get the 12 bar blues feel "into your spinal chord"


Here are some more study material in the player (The player also contains background chords.

Build up your solo - Make good endings

It is a good idea to start your solo gently and build intensity. This is of course just a tip. If the solo player before you has built up a lot of energy, you may sometimes continue on his energy. But in general, you should think about the dynamic inside the solo. Get different intesities. Make sure that you make a good ending. This is where you want the audience to applause. The nice ending is what will remain in their mind when you have finished!

Tip: Sucking in the bottom whole of your harp is a good way of ending a solo.