Play in rythmWhen learning a new instrument, there are often many things you need to learn:
To play haromica is easy! You have much less problems than other instrument to play the right note. If you hit the wrong one, it is still within the right scale, so it does not matter (so much - of course it is always the best to play the right note! ). When you are improvising, it matters even less which note you play, just you know where to end right. This leaves only one dimetion to be in control of when you play the harp: The rythm. Playing in the right beat is the most important in almost all music, still many beginners seem to ignore to practice on the rythm. It is like the rythm is something "you just know". That is not true, you can indeed practice your rythm. The difference between a good musician and a person who just tried but never learnt it, is the approach to learn rythm. Of course learning the rythm is easier for some people than for other. But did you ever think of why it is so. Maybe those people who have a good rythm just started practicing earlier and more!. You can still start practicing, today.....And you can learn it. Personally I think the concept of rythm is difficult, and I know I must practice, still I can get any audience to clap their hand when playing my harmonica. Why... Because I finally got to a good rythm. How did I get it: By practicing over years and years. I am "self learnt" However there is one dimention in music, which is actually