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Holding the harp - Making wha-wha

There are different ways of making wha-wha. Here I show one way of doing it.

The wha-wha effect is created by blocking the air flow with your hand. You achieve it the same way if you are to dring from a creak or lake out in the nature
and you don't have a cup or glass available. If you don't want to bend down to touch the water directly, you may form a cup with your two hands.
It is in this case important that the "cup" is tight, and has a certain volumn to contain the "water".


1.) Put the harp in your left hand

Klik for at høre Whah-whah
2) Put your pointing finger above the harp, and put the other fingers beside it.
Håndstilling MundharmonikaHåndstilling Mundharmonika

3. ) Close with the other hand, and make a hollow space.

Hådstilling Mundharmonika

Whah - whah effect

Practise on opening an closing the space, this weill produce the famous Wha-wha effect.

Håndstilling Mundharmonika
This is showing how to make the Wha-wha effect.

Hear the Wha Wha

The wha-wha effect can also be used for producing a vibrato

Other ways of producing this room